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set.h File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "slist.h"

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#define SET_FWD   1
#define SET_BWD   -1


typedef Slist Set


Set SETinit (int(*match)(const void *key1, const void *key2), void(*destroy)(void *data))
void SETdestroy (Set set)
int SETinsert (Set set, const void *data)
int SETremove (Set set, void **data)
Set SETunion (Set set1, Set set2)
Set SETintersection (Set set1, Set set2)
Set SETdifference (Set set1, Set set2)
int SETis_member (Set set, const void *data)
int SETis_subset (const Set set1, const Set set2)
int SETis_equal (Set set1, Set set2)
int SETsize (Set set)
void SETsort (Set set, int(*cmp)(const void *key1, const void *key2))
void SETtraverse (Set set, void(*callback)(const void *data), int direction)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define SET_BWD   -1

Macro for backward traversal of the set

Definition at line 46 of file set.h.

#define SET_FWD   1

Macro for forward traversal of the set

Definition at line 41 of file set.h.

Function Documentation

void SETdestroy ( Set  set)

Destroy the set.

The set is destroyed - that is, all the memory occupied by the nodes is deallocated. The user-defined callback function destroy, given as an argument to SETinit(), is responsible for freeing dynamically allocated node data, when this function is called. When all nodes and data have been deallocated - the set header is deallocated, too.

[in]set- a reference to current set.
See Also

Definition at line 43 of file set.c.

Set SETdifference ( Set  set1,
Set  set2 

Build the difference of two given sets

set1- one of the given sets, taking part, together with set2, in building the difference.
set2- the other set, that makes up the difference - together with set1.
A new set - equal to the difference of set1 and set2 - i.e. mathematically speaking, containing all the elements only present in set1.

Definition at line 140 of file set.c.

Set SETinit ( int(*)(const void *key1, const void *key2)  match,
void(*)(void *data)  destroy 

Initialize the set

[in]match- a reference to a user-defined function that receives references to node data - and search key data - via its parameters key1 and key2. Hence this callback function can make the actual matching of search key and node data and determine if search data is present in the set. This callback function shall return 1 - in case of a hit - or 0 otherwise.
[in]destroy- A reference to a user-made function, reponsible for freeing node data, when the set is deleted. If destroy is NULL - then node data will be left untouched when the set is destroyed.
A reference - to a new, empty set - if dynamic memory allocation for the ADT was successful - or NULL otherwise. Take really good care of this return value, since it will be needed as a parameter in subsequent calls - to the majority of other set handling functions in this function interface - i.e. a sort of "handle" to the set.
See Also

Definition at line 30 of file set.c.

int SETinsert ( Set  set,
const void *  data 

Insert data into the set.

[in]set- a reference to current set.
[in]data- reference to data to be inserted into the set.
Value 0 - if insertion was successful.
Value 1 - if insertion was rejected - i.e. if data is already present in the set.
Value -1 - otherwise, if another sort of error occurred.

Definition at line 49 of file set.c.

Set SETintersection ( Set  set1,
Set  set2 

Build the intersection of two given sets.

set1- one of the given sets, taking part of building the intersection.
set2- the other set, that comprises the intersection together with set1.
A new set - equal to the intersection of set1 and set2 - i.e. mathematically speaking, containing all the elements common to set1 and set2.

Definition at line 112 of file set.c.

int SETis_equal ( Set  set1,
Set  set2 

Determine whether one set is equal to another

set1- a reference to one of the sets - tested for equality.
set2- a reference to the other.
Value 1 - if set1 is equal to set2 - or 0 otherwise.

Definition at line 196 of file set.c.

int SETis_member ( Set  set,
const void *  data 

Determine whether a data member exists in a given set

set- a reference to current set.
data- a reference to element key data.
Value 1 - if data is member of set - or 0 ohterwise.

Definition at line 168 of file set.c.

int SETis_subset ( const Set  set1,
const Set  set2 

Determine whether one set is a subset of another

set1- a reference to the set, tested for being a subset of set2.
set2- a reference to the set that might contain set1 as a subset.
Value 1 - if set1 is a subset of set2 - or 0 otherwise.

Definition at line 177 of file set.c.

int SETremove ( Set  set,
void **  data 

Search and remove data - by an in/out parameter

When called, the 2nd parameter of this function, data, should reference a pointer, that points to the search key data. After the call - this (external) pointer referenced by parameter data, has been redirected to point to data of the removed node - if the call was succesful. The caller is responsible for the future of this memory - deallocating it, if needed, for example.

[in]set- reference to current set.
[in,out]data- reference to an external pointer, that initially shall point to the search key data - when this function is called. After the call, this referenced (external) pointer, has been redirected - to point to node data of the removed node - if the call was successful. The caller is responsible for the future of this memory - deallocating it, for example.
Value 0 – if the call was OK - that is, node found and removed.
Value 1 – node not found.
Value -1 – otherwise (implies fatal error).

Definition at line 60 of file set.c.

int SETsize ( Set  set)

Get the size of a set

set- a reference to current set.
The size - i.e. number of elements in the set.

Definition at line 207 of file set.c.

void SETsort ( Set  set,
int(*)(const void *key1, const void *key2)  cmp 

Sort a set

[in]set- reference to current set.
[in]cmp- reference to a user-defined callback function responsible for comparing element data. This callback function should return a value of -1 if data referenced by key1 is less than data referenced by key2 - or 0 if they are equal - or 1 otherwise. This will produce an ascending sort order. If a descending order is what you want - just swap the return values -1 and 1 for the comparisons made above.

Definition at line 213 of file set.c.

void SETtraverse ( Set  set,
void(*)(const void *data)  callback,
int  direction 

Traverse all elements of the set

[in]set- reference to current set.
[in]callback- reference to user-defined callback function, that gets read access to node data via its parameter data - to do whatever is relevant. Print data, for example.
[in]direction- direction of traversal. Set to SET_FWD for forward traversal - and SET_BWD for traversing backwards.

Definition at line 219 of file set.c.

Set SETunion ( Set  set1,
Set  set2 

Build the union of two given sets.

set1- one of the given sets, taking part of building the union.
set2- the other set, that comprises the union together with set1.
A new set - equal to the union of set1 and set2 - i.e. mathematically speaking, containing all the elements either in set1 and set2 - or in both.

Definition at line 66 of file set.c.